What if you could edit out the busyness and double the momentum in your business with a
clear proven STRATEGY,

Uncover and overcome what’s really slowing you down (it's not what you think) by shifting into your

and get coached through proprietary frameworks for taking consistent ACTION with ease in just 4 months?

Welcome home...


What if, in under 4 months, you could reinvent yourself and your role in your business so that you enjoy the freedom and financial rewards you are craving.

Breathe deeply and feel that pride in yourself.

Build the foundation of a simple and sustainable business

Because it’s your time to share your work with the world, love your business, and love your life.

Or, let me rephrase that...

Brick House Business

an exclusive 1:1 Coaching and Consulting Hybrid which includes:

Completely customized strategy plus...

Weekly online sessions to workshop innovative solutions

Coaching Concierge Service via Voxer to get real time support on your schedule.

Shame Free Business Assessment through the 8 components of a holistic business

Profit + Priority Edit creating more focus, time and forward momentum

Curated modalities & high impact practices will propel your business forward

Personalized Human Analytics Report – science backed clarity in your highest business-related behaviors + strengths and what you should avoid at all costs!

Discover your CORE CONFLICT and dial in your specific drivers for growth

Introducing - 

Take the First Step!

Brick House
Business 2.0

a co-creative Coaching and Consulting Hybrid for self-employed Couples with: includes: 

All of the benefits of Brick House Business plus…

Creating a Vivid Vision as a Couple

A deeper dive in the positive impact of Self Identity and Individual Roles in business

BONUS Analytics Report with specific and tangible ways to improve communication and work effectiveness.

Power Couple or Power Struggle?

Introducing - 

Take the First Step!



Use the PROFIT + PRIORITY Edit to let go of busywork and tap into what is truly in the gap of where you are and where you want to be.  You have never felt so clear, focused, and motivated.



Clarity in your vision is like pulling back the string of a bow. The only possibility is forward momentum.
Add a dose of accountability and finally have a step-by-step plan to take aligned action.



Workshop solutions and receive the support to follow through on the things that matter. Let go of frustration and burnout.  Ease into consistent results.



Are you curious about who you will be and exactly what you are capable of?
Lay your business foundation once and create a lifetime of value.

Amplify your Results

- with the Brick House Proprietary Framework - 

Schedule a Free Strategy Session. I only work with 7 private clients at a time. If there is no availability in my schedule, DM me at https://www.instagram.com/jenleecoaching/
to see if arrangements can be made.

what's the next step?

Time does not heal all wounds. When you resolve your past, it becomes your superpower but left untended it becomes your biggest obstacle.

how is this program differnet from just coaching?

Been there. Let’s talk about your vision and where you are getting stuck. No promises, but when one person is fulfilled and moving forward with clarity it can take the pressure off the relationship and things just seem to work better for both.

I want to work with you in 2.0 but my partner is not ready

Brick House may not be a good fit for you. A business cannot grow beyond the self-concept of its owner. I offer consulting services on a retainer basis. Schedule a Free Strategy Session to see if this is the support you need.

I'm not into inner work

No problem. Brick House is a personalized mentorship - meaning it is not “a” program it is “YOUR” program. Want feedback on your website? Need help simplifying and updating your financials? I work WITH you to set priorities and get things done or delegate when that makes sense.

I want specific support

Buzzwords like limiting beliefs self-sabotage have been overused. Rarely does someone  actually have effective modalities to access and shift deep programming. This is a critical first step for success.

I've already worked on my mindset


Schedule a Free strategy session to see how I can support you.


(If I am fully booked, please sign up for my random but valuable newsletter HERE.  You will have scheduling priority as soon as a spot becomes available.)

Spend a Power Hour with me and walk away with a customized Business Strategy and a Breakthrough in what you believe is Possible

Almost there!

Free guide

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